Bulk Containers

Covers & Accessories

Choose from a wide variety of covers for our bulk containers. Designed for each different footprint, these covers protect parts from dust and contamination during storage and transport.

Model Footprint Length Width Height Truckload
CKD3230 CKD3230 32x30x2 32 30 2 0
CHDR4548 CHDR4548 45x48x4 48 45 4 0
CHDR4048 CHDR4048 40x48x3 48 40 3 0
CHDR3230 CHDR3230 32x30x3 32 30 3 0
CHD4548 CHD4548 45x48x3 48 45 3 0
CGP4048 CGP4048 40x48x2 48 40 2 0

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